The Goddess Brigid is a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the daughter of the Dagda and wife of Bres. As the Earth begins to stir beneath our feet with the promise of life soon to return, we turn to the Celtic Goddess of Spring. A triple-Moon Goddess, she is associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, protection, blacksmithing, and domesticated animals.

This listing is for anyone that needs their heart chakra healed. This healing will be done utilizing the energies of Goddess Brigid to help heal the heart. It will also remove blockages and obstacles that have you feeling disconnected from the heart. The heart is the voice of the soul and our power center. It is how we connect to our highest self and our guides. When we are blocked, we will have trouble receiving messages or guidance that we need. Being disconnected from the heart will also block us from seeking within. All the answers we seek are already within. When we are blocked we tend to seek outside of self, which causes many issues. There are many instances that causes blockages or obstacles, so do not be alarmed. The heart is very powerful, but can easily be attacked because of its importance.

This listing will heal and restore the Heart chakra. I will also be doing an overall healing. The goal is to heal the heart and allow you to connect back to your guides, highest self, and to be able to go within to seek the answers that you need. Remember, The answers within are what we need, not what we want.
You will also receive your own activation any lightcodes from the Goddess Brigid they will be what you need right now depending on your spiritual path and level of spiritual work already done.

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