Cintamani vigorously dissolves implants, negative thought forms, emotional blockages and outdated belief systems, so one must be prepared to let go of the old debris to further liberate the greater self. It expands cosmic consciousness, love, light and grace, establishing peace and harmony within oneself, and with life and relationships. It aligns all 12 chakras while opening the heart, brow, crown, and 5 chakras above the head. Likewise, all subtle bodies are balanced, with astral, causal, spiritual and soul bodies being stimulated. It should be taken alone, and no more than once a day and perhaps better less often. Columbianite, a tektite from South America, has very similar qualities but acts a little bit more gently, so some may want to work first with that tektite, and then move on to the Cintaman

This Energy can be infused in to Water


What you will Receive

  • Manual
  • Attunement by way of chi ball
  • Certificate of completion and lineage

You can also pass on this wonderful energy.


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