The Elements, Flowers, Tree’s and Crystals were singing harmonies, and we would listen to these harmonies as a form of communication. This is how we lived in Divine Alignment.
The Songs and Harmonies were generated by the Diamond Light frequencies encoded within with the Earth.
Lemurians were encoded with Elemental Diamond Light DNA and were actively tapping into the Diamond Light templates of our Earth
Their lands, homes, co-creations were all templated with Diamond Light consciousness. They lived and breathed High Frequency Diamond Light every day into their cells, receiving these codes from the Earth’s Grid.
Now is the time to activate our Elemental DNA. The Ancient Fae are stepping forward and opening their portals of light, to give us access to their Diamond Light realms so that we can begin encoding Diamond Light consciousness within humanity.
The Diamond Light templates are what sustain and strengthen our Lightbody, the more light we hold, the more we are tapped into the oneness and co-creation of Nature and the Universe.
Ultimately we are learning to become co-creators in alignment to Nature and the Universe. That is our path on Earth whether we are conscious of it or not.
This is a Activation and LightCodes session that will run for 60 M are you ready to step into Elemental alignment this activation was always meant for you.
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