Oshun (oh-shun’) is the Goddess of Secrets, Witchcraft, Love, Sensuality, Money, Happiness, Service and wonderful blessings that make life worth living (if you stay on her good side)
She is the Brazilian Macumba Goddess of the waters, rivers, streams and brooks. Originally, a river goddess in Africa, she was taken to the Caribbean, and North & South American like the other Gods and Goddesses of the Yoruba and West Africa.
This Healing Session will be channelled directly from Oshun and will help with.
greater psychic abilities
clearing up of physical and emotional pain
embracing your sensual and sexual self
being more family oriented
become more nurturing
becoming more fertile
Womb Healing
becoming more prosperous
becoming freer amd Lighter within your soul
becoming more joyfulness
You will also receive a set of Lightcodes from Oshun that were always meant for you exactly what you need at this time.
I will need your full name and dob.
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