You will recieve a set of activation codes from Merlin and the Dragons of Avalon.

THIS SESSION IS FOR YOU IF YOU ARE willing to step into the light, allowing all that would seek refuge in the corners of darkness and shadow to be cleansed, healed and transformed into a higher vibration enabling you to move forward away from all that would seek to hold you from your good.
There is nothing more powerful than that of love and light.

There is nothing more powerful than the spoken word.He will bring you together with Oneness as one, this is the creation of magic within and without.As above so below. As below so above.
As within so it is manifested in kind into physical form around you.
Believe in the magic within, reconnect with your truth allow it to shine forth before you.

Merlin is a master in alchemy, magic and emergence of new. He will assist you in focusing your creative energy for new pathways to emerge. Hewill help you in this session to reconnection you to the magic of the Universe. That special spark of magic within you, in your heart center. Merlin the Mystic Magician holds his golden staff of light casting out the doubt, fear, and confusion clearing the way for clarity and alchemical transformation from heavy physical matter-energy into the golden energy of Higher Consciousness and li

integration of the parts of your soul which have become lost to you. His unique heritage means, that he is able to call back from the darkness your disassociated self, heal you wounds and transmute them back into the light. This is the epitome of ‘The sorcerers stone’ or turning lead into gold. Merlin the shapeshifter can help you tune in to this frequency and ascend above your difficulties in order to see them as they truly are and pave a way forward, to your new reality. He will also balance and properly extend your energy, accepting the parts of yourself that you have denied and releasing the false identity you may have created .  . Master Merlin in this session, will assist you in your desire to accept, love and regulate your soul.
He is the ascended master of the Law of Attraction. He is able to help you ascend and brighten your frequency by healing your darker aspects. He is also the master shapeshifter, showing us that nothing about who we are is set in stone, that every day affords us the opportunity to create something new within ourselves and follow a new path. When you need support regarding the potentials of differing situations, decision making, all of this can be supported by Merlin in this session, when I use his energy to help you see the varying options and potential you have around you.
During this Session I will work with him,as Master of alchemy, for manifesting magic in your life. I will help you to reconnect with magic and miracles by shifting your energy from within. Then, as everything is energy, all the situations, emotions, problems, blockages will magically disappear. With the dragons and Merlin’s golden energy I will shower you with a rainfall of blessings, unexpected gifts, fulfilments, accomplishments, happiness, and desires’ manifestation.


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