In this Healing session we will use the Energy of the Lemuria and Atlantis and the empowerment of the Phoenix, Dolphin and Dragon.This is a powerful Healing and Cleansing.

Benefits include

Raises your energy levels.
  Clears and fills the aura with pure living energy.
  Opens, clears and widens the heart chakra.
  Clears and opens all chakras.
  Clears and opens all meridians.
 Balances the chakras, the divine with the earthly chakras,
 heaven with earth and spirit with matter.
 Balances masculine and feminine, the two sides of the Self,
 body and brain.
  Leads to spiritual experiences.
  Opens and strengthens intuition, vision and psychic abilities.
 Brings you in connection with nature, universe, nature’s
 elements, light, love, spirit and Divine Element.
  Strengthens the Will.
  Centers your energy.
  Raises your consciousness and self-awareness.
 Empowers the defensive system to all levels ~ physical,
energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual with a result of
high protection, stability and secureness to all levels of self
 and life.
  Opens the horizons of mind and thought.
  Clears the emotions and the toxins from the body.
 The body becomes lighter, harmonic, brighter, clearer, pure
 and stronger.
  Brings clear and high guidance.
  Transforms anything negative to all levels.
  Stops the energy loss.
 Attunes with the highest quality and existence of your Self
 and with unlimited therapeutic energy.
 Gradually clears and ejects anger, sadness, anxiety, worries,
 fears, tensions and weaknesses.
  Unites the Self.
 Activates Spiritual Existence and Life.

This Energy works in a way you will never be over whelmed.

I will need your full name and dob details will be sent on purchase of this powerful healing.

I advise all my clients to accept the healing when you are ready for bed as you are more relaxed and healing works throughout the night.



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