Life Force Infusion System fosters balance in all aspects of your life. When you are more balanced, more life force can flow through you to touch every aspect of your being. This increased flow fosters even greater balance, which in turn attracts even more life force. Because this energy system is to promote balance, it brings your entire being into balance in a balanced way—slowly and steadily.

Life Force Infusion activation balances your whole being; when you works with this energy in a specific areas of the body, it balances those areas. For example, if you works this energy on a disharmonious stomach, this will attract life force to the stomach, promoting greater balance there and helping the stomach become healthier.

Life Force Infusion System brings balance to your body’s physical processes, including those involved in the functioning of your endocrine, organ, nervous, circulatory, digestive, and other systems. Life Force Infusion System balances these processes one at a time, beginning its work with whatever requires its attention most. As this system draws more life force to your physical body, a healing may start to occur. Such healing is not the direct effect of this system but of the increased life force that this system brings to your body. As you continue to works with this, your health will naturally improve.

Those who are familiar with the concept of karma—the law of cause and effect, or the law of action and reaction—know that an individual is ultimately accountable for his actions. Life Force Infusion System can help you become aware of incidents from the past; it can also help you see that your actions cause reactions. With this awareness, the effects of your actions can become learning experiences rather than simply slaps out of the blue. This awareness will also help you better handle your current life situations that are associated with past experiences.

Life Force Infusion System can take the energy that is in your aura, metabolize it, and return it to you in a more usable form. Life Force Infusion System calls to itself the life force that exists all around you and in your subtle bodies. It can bring this energy into your physical body in a form that the body can “digest” and use for its development. Ultimately, the mission of Life Force Infusion activation is spiritual: when the bodies’ energies are balanced, a more stable foundation will be laid from which spiritual growth can flourish.



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