This activation I work with channeled sacred geometries and higher light frequencies to activate your lightbody for ascension through distance healing.
This begins a process of integrating the higher vibratory patterns of light deeply into your physical body so that the upgraded cellular patterns can bring you into a state of alignment with your higher self and with source. This to to exist primarily in a state of love, higher multidimensional intelligence, bliss and joy of life. Releasing energetically imprinted fear stored within your energy body. The ascension upgrades also allow higher spiritual consciousness to be experienced deeply within yourself, bringing you home to your heart and to your authentic self expression so that your manifestations can align with your higher self and highest path for your life.
We are in the midst of a very intense global ascension process where the light is being activated for all beings on the planet and even Gaia herself increasing her frequency and ascending. As we enter the age of Aquarius and the golden Age of Enlightenment, Christ consciousness and harmonious coexistence with eachother there is a deep anchoring in of higher light and love frequencies within all beings. This is why all the darkness is coming up to be purged and cleansed currently as it is all part of the process. This activation will help align you with this ascension process and release old attachments, ancestral emotional baggage and fear blockages for the living the life that is truly aligned with your highest potential.
Possible benefits:
✨increase your frequency
✨activate your lightbody
✨align with your higher self
✨align with bliss, joy and inspiration
✨cleanse your energy field/chakra centres
✨manifest from higher will
✨activate your spiritual DNA
✨activate your psychic abilities
✨align with higher creativity and natural manifestation
✨release emotional blocks and energetic distortions
This is a 30 minute activation where I will connect with your energy through the quantum field and do the activation ✨ Please drink water before and after as this is a deep cellular upgrade and your body will begin to flush out toxins
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