This is a 60M distance healing session.

Everyone is ascending now with his own speed into the 5th Level of Light. But many will continue to adhere to the three-dimensional reality, But those who continue to go to the light, will see the things of which they in only dared to dream of their past.
They will open themselves in the NEW ART of their Consciousness.

Your physical body is only a vehicle to take you through a wonderful Mechanism to the light – called the Earth plane, which God has created through his Love. You are DIVINE – GOD’S LIGHT. Your journey for the development of this Earth plane begins. You spent millennia on planet Earth in order to go through the best human experience. But now you’re balanced to go to the scene where energy from which you exist, seen as the Light.

You can even go far – to see your photon energy down to it ultimate particle size, and you will understand that energy from one universe to another universe can be transferred without interruption in the Photons cell themselves. It is based on the lines of light of the particularization. It can send its energy from one universe to another one, to connect to a photon cell and deliver the same amount of energy As it had at the beginning. Your brain works like a computer, it receives light from your higher Self that is intended to ensure the physical presence of what you are.

Photon Energy Activation will assist you in the ascension  process.

Photon energy has its own consciousness. Each particle of the photon energy can
think, each particle can develop itself, each particle is a part of Creator Source.
It has a higher self and this is the CREATOR.

The photon energy is a very, very powerful energy. You may think, collect and store
an infinite number of memories.


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