Dragons, spiritual beings of higher
dimensions, exist in the Spiritual
Realm. Selectively, the Dragons
decide to whom they will reveal
their energy and wisdom and they
are the Ones that invoke a Soul to
be apprenticed by them. They
start by offering to the Soul mini
attunements (on their
energy), so firstly the Soul will feel an attraction to them and
their Spiritual World. They appear to an individual indirectly,
giving him the chance to choose consciously, if he will decide to
express his devotion and be taught by their guidance. He that
will choose to be apprenticed on the Wisdom of the Dragon
Energy, follows this path by true calling. On the one hand, he
has been evaluated “ready” (calling of the Dragons) and on the
other hand he has consciously expressed the will to purify his
spirit deeply and understand the spiritual root principles of life
(expression of own will). Furthermore, the individual has
awareness of this calling and of his true will hand he has consciously expressed the will to purify his spirit deeply and understand the spiritual root principles of life (expression of own will). Furthermore, the individual has awareness of this calling and of his true will.
This Energy is from 5 Elemental Dragons the Primordial Mother Dragon TIAMAT .
Can be infused into Water to create powerful Elixirs for your clients.
There is nothing this energy cannot help with.
The attunement to the Dragon Energy will further open your chakras and your energy channels, so you may proceed with your healings. One very important aspect is the awakening of your Higher Chakras. The Dragon’s attunement, emphasizes on the Higher Chakras and especially on the Third Eye Chakra.
You will Receive
Attunement by way of chi ball
Certificate and Lineage
This Energy was channeled through my higher self which is RED DRAGON the Crystalline Energy Matrix.
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